Included on this EUG disc is a new set of 32 levels for White Magic by the 4th Dimension. Due to the limitations of the disc filing systems, the 32 levels are compacted into two files (U.LEV0 and U.LEV1) and choosing these levels from the EUG menu will automatically load an extractor program (U.EXTRACT) so that they can be saved to the filing system of your choice. You can choose whether to extract to ADFS, DFS or Tape from the opening screen.

The program will then load in sixteen of the levels and save them to the format you selected. It will then repeat this for the next sixteen levels.

If you are expanding to DFS then you will need two discs.

Once you have extracted the levels to whatever format, then it is a simple matter to swap either your White Magic disc or tape for the one you have created at the point where it begins to load in the levels.

The levels included were designed by James Treadwell, Gareth Boden and Paul Treadwell.