Electron User 6.03 ================== Blow Football ------------- Let your fingers do the blowing in Steve Bissell's adaptation of that popular indoor sport - blow football BLOW FOOTBALL is a two player game that usually leaves everybody out of breath. However, if your friend is a bigger windbag than you, don't worry - in this computerised version of the game, the only thing you might have to blow will be your aching fingers. The screen shows a bird's eye view of the pitch, with player one going down the screen and player two coming up. The rules are simple - each player has three keys with which he can move the ball. To avoid either player having an unfair advantage, they have been set so they will not auto-repeat. Holding down a key will not do you any good. Indeed, the only way you can move the ball is to tap the appropriate key as quickly as possible. If no keys are pressed there will be some sideways movement of the ball, due to a slight breeze in the stadium. The first player to score five goals wins the match. A record of the current scores, along with the total matches won so far, is displayed throughout. At the start of the game you can settle how many matches the game will last, or simply play until one of you gives up with finger fatigue. All that needs to be done now, is for you to massage your fingers and prepare yourself for some fast and furious action. Game Controls: Player 1: Z - Left & Down, X - Right & Down, S - Down Player 2: > - Left & Down, ? - Right & Up; + - Up Variables X%,Y% Position of the ball H%,V% Movement of the ball A%,B% Temporary position of the ball sc1% Player 1 score sc2% Player 2 score t1% Games won so far player 1 t2% Games won so far player 2  Procedures instructions Print instructions screen Draw the screen score Update score player Get players' moves moveball Move the ball endgame Game over routine