BARBARIAN 2: THE DUNGEON OF DRAX Have you the skill and strategy to reach the Dungeon of Drax? Twenty gruesome monsters to defeat in an 80 screen maze. "The monsters are spectacular in size and depth. A most impressive and playable game." ...Acorn User Hyperball A brand-new release by Superior. The best version ever of the classic 'bat-and-ball' game, with 6 levels and a massive total of 120 screens. Special features include: infra-red scanners, 8-ball splitters, aliens, cannons, weapons' purchase, bonus rounds and screen-jump options. Percy Penguin The classic and highly addictive game by Superior. Percy must kill the Snobees in the frozen maze by hurling ice cubes at them, but deadlier breeds then appear! "Enjoyable to play with good graphics and sound" ...A & B Computing Pandemonium A brilliant 'Top Ten' game by Peter Scott featuring teleporters, lifts, springs, weird aliens to shoot and lots, lots more, as you attempt to construct the core. "Eighty screens of fun make this game my favourite" ...Micro User