Micro French

By Genevieve Ludinski

Originally published in EUG #36

Dave Edwards has sent in a rare suite of programs by LCL Software which should be of interest to any EUG readers interested in learning French. Whilst all were originally designed to be used in conjunction with the Micro French handbook, they can all be used without it if you have a good French/English dictionary by your side or of course, a good knowledge of the French language.

The full package LCL produced comprises two disks. As the files take up a fair amount of disk space, I have published the first one here and may include the second on a future EUG disk.

The modules on this first disk are:

  1. Pronunciation
  2. Articles
  3. Word Search
  4. Face Vocabulary
  5. Signs And Notices
  6. Plurals
  7. Colours
  8. -Er Verbs
  9. -Ir Verbs
  10. -Re Verbs
  11. -Oir Verbs
  12. Time

Unfortunately, despite the claim of the original package to support all BBC and Electron systems, the Word Search module requires PAGE to be lowered below &1D00 so don't select this if your system can't handle it (e.g. if you have an Electron with &1D00 ADFS). It is highlighted with "E00" on the Menu screen so you don't forget!

Bon chance!

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #36