Own Up Rolf Paoli

By Rolf Paoli & John Crane

Originally published in EUG #43a44

Normally, I have a thorough read through an EUG issue then I either pass comment on what I've seen, or at least get some ideas about what to write. However, I must confess this one's a bit of a struggle, as there isn't a great deal to comment on!

Anyway, I'm bound to think of something once I get typing.

The first thing that's stuck me is on the bottom of my EUG #42 disk label, I can make out the words 'now with'. What's that about? 'Now with sticky labels', perhaps. The latest edition seemed to stay on the disk quite admirably. How about 'Now with a bit of luck, we'll have some more stuff next time'?

Something else of interest to Acorn RISC OS users is a new version of the Beeb emulator !6502em is available from Warm Silence Software (WSS). Version 3 is priced at £17.63 or £11.75 if upgrading from version 1 or 2. If you have the appropriate ROM images, this will emulate a BBC, Electron, Master and Master Compact.

You can obtain details by writing to Warm Silence Software, PO Box 28, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1XX. Tel: 0585 487642 or 01608 737172. Their e-mail address is info@wss.co.uk and their internet site is at http://www.warmsilence.demon.co.uk/.

Recently, the editor stated that many modern printers are not suitable for the 8 bit machines. I beg to differ. I have my Elk connected to an Epson styles Colour 600 printer; a modern ink jet. It prints out text from View and EUG with no problems at all! Graphics may be a bit different but even then it's only a question of getting a driver put together. There was once a program available, for the BBC at least, that allowed you to construct your own printer driver. The control codes were listed in the back of the Epson manual. It's all Greek to me but someone out there probably has the necessary expertise. Any offers?

I must also take issue with the re-inking of printer ribbons. I have a Star 9-pin dot matrix printer which is kept for more occasional use. I personally have found that once the ink's run out, the ribbon is also worn out. Certainly in my case if I attempted to re-ink it, it would break.

Regarding Ron Goad's problems with the joystick, and at the risk of sounding like an idiot, turn the joystick through 180 degrees, so that left and right and up and down are correct. Or even better, is it possible to take the joystick apart and rotate the potentiometer assembly through 180 degrees?

Finally, assuming you have read the start up screens, you'll be wondering why a funny Finn hasn't better things to do than graft old computers onto new ones. Well, I made it up. It's an April Fool thing that came to me one night in a flash of inspiration.

Rolf Paoli is an anagram of April Fool. I suspect my fictional name and address gave it away! Irma Ful (I'm a fool!), 1 April Close (i.e. When the magazine came out), Frail Pool (Another anagram! Yorkshire TV used that one on a spoof weather feature on 1st April!), IM2D 4UL (I am too daft for you lot - I couldn't think of anything else that might look like a postcode!).

I still have all the stuff I advertised recently on EUG #42. Would anyone care to take it off my hands? I can't bear to throw it away but I could do with the space. Offers anyone?

John Crane

The market seems to be in a bit of a lull at the moment. We have all exchanged what we had, collected what we want and have surplus left over. It will be a shame if we start to throw stuff away at this time, stuff which can never be replaced or available again. Perhaps you can find a corner to store it in for the time being.

I'm more than happy to concede my mistake on the printers. What I wrote was based more upon what I'd heard than experience. Great to know. Perhaps Richard could look up the printer driver program you refer to. He's great at anything like that.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #43