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David Akenhead

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The Times Crosswords Jubilee Puzzles

The Times Crosswords Jubilee Puzzles

The Times Crosswords Jubilee Puzzles


The Times Computer Crosswords
featuring The Times Jubilee Puzzles 1932-1987
by Akom Ltd under licence to Times Newspapers Ltd

It is fitting that 58 years after the launch of the first Times Crossword, under the guidance and expertise of Adrian Bell and Ronald Carton, through the innovations of The Times Jumbo Crosswords and The Times National Crossword Championships in the 60's, 70's and early 80's under the worthy stewardship of my father, Edmund Akenhead, that we should now, thanks, in large measure, to the vision of the present crossword editor, John Grant, be celebrating the launch of yet another first and, indeed, a new dimension in crosswords - the first volumes of THE TIMES COMPUTER CROSSWORDS. Perhaps, it can be claimed that the crossword as an international institution has finally come of age.


By Edmund Akenhead, Editor of The Times Crossword 1965-1983
The Times Crossword first appeared in 1930. This collection of 56 puzzles was made by choosing one puzzle from each year from 1932 to 1987 inclusive, thus tracing the development of the crossword from early days to modern times. The main difference between the earlier and more moden puzles lies in the frequent absence in earlier clues of a definition of the answer. It will be seen that earlier clues simply indicate anagrams by adding (anag.), while modern clues use some form of words in the clue to point to an anagram. Direct quotation clues are less frequent nowadays than they used to be, while single-word-definition clues have virtually disappeared. The puzzle for 1936 is unusual, considering entirely of quotations, and that for 1978 is an example of the once-a-year Crossword Eliminator Puzzle, designed to baffle all but the experts. The puzzle for 1980, by the late Adrian Bell, composer of Times Crossword No. 1, celebrates the Golden Jubilee of The Times Crossword, the theme of the puzzle being gold.

Introduction to Cryptic Crosswords

By Edmund Akenhead, Former Editor of The Times Crosswords
The devices used by a cryptic crossword compiler are so many and varied that an introduction such as this can only give the beginner a glimpse of them. Experience will prove the best teacher, but I hope that the following tips will help the beginner in his first steps towards mastering The Times (and similar) crosswords.

The best known device is the anagram. "Terribly angered" is a definition of the answer "enraged", which is also an anagram of "angered", the word "Terribly" being used in the clue as an anagram indicator. The solver should always be on the look-out for words suggesting arrangement, change, wrongness, confusion, strangeness and the like which may point to anagrams in the clue: "new" is sometimes used, also "sort" and "out" (in the sense of "wrong"), while "perhaps", "maybe" and "possibly" will probably indicate anagrams. Then there are words which have different meanings: "refuse" in a clue may appear to be a verb meaning "decline", but it may really mean the noun meaning "rubbish": "tent" may mean not a canvas shelter, but a Spanish wine: "saw" or "gnome" may mean a maxim. Solving crosswords certainly helps to enlarge one's vocabulary. All sorts of words have hidden meanings in crosswords with "do" clued as a party, "letter" as a landlord, "number" as an anaesthetic (that which numbs) and so ad infinitum, the oldest chestnut being "flower" as a river, while "sewer" may mean a sempstress and "cover for a sewer" will mean not a manhole but a thimble, and "tour de France" means not a cycle race but the Eiffel Tower.

Many a crossword answer is made up of other words indicated by the clue. "Loudly disapprove royal skating display? Some reservations here (7-5)" is solved by joining up Boo-king off-ice, while Mild-red is well known as a girl with slightly communist sympathies. A word may consist of one word containing another (En), and there are many other ways in which words (including abbreviations) may be combined either in their normal, or in anagrammatic or reversed forms to make the answer. In such "build-ups" the word "river" may well refer to one of the compiler's favourite British waterways - Dee, Exe, Fal or Ure (tributary of the Yorkshire Ouse).

Solvers should be familiar with many common abbreviations, such as e.g., i.e., the points of the compass N, S, E, W. (Sometimes clued as bridge players), musical notes A to G (or doh, re, mi, etc) and Roman numerals "MCClessCC" and anyone interested in cricket will know that the M in MCC stands for Marlebone. Chemical abbreviations for elements are sometimes used such as "au" (gold), "ag" (silver), "fe" (iron) etcetera. The letter L could be clued as money (pound sign), 50, lake, or as student, tyro, novice or learner (driver with L plates). Solvers are also expected to know simple words in the more familiar foreign languages, particularly the articles, e.g. el (clued as "the Spanish"), un ("a French") etc.

Finally, to mention four other types of clue: (a) Hidden answer clue (Cs) "Something more in the next race (5)", here the answer "extra" appears in consecutive letters in the clue ("next race"). (b) Straight quotation, requiring the solver to supply the missing word or words (nothing cryptic about this type of clue). (c) "Sound" clues (Sd) with sound-indicators such as "say", "we hear", "it's said", or "sound" telling the solver to look to the sound of the words used. "Some measure of spirit? I say! (5)" gives the answer "optic" (optic measures used in bars). "Say" in the clue tells the solver to look to the sound of "I", that is "eye". (d) The acronym (Ac), or word made from the initial letters of other words.

An ounce of practical demonstration being worth a pound of theory, I set out below explanations of every clue in the first puzzle in this collection. Some may wish to try the puzzle first without this "crib".

The 1978 Times Crossword Championship Eliminator Puzzle


1A Poetic medium to admire? Not to notice (6)
Solution: SLUDGE
Indicator: Ch
Explanation: Browing's "Mr Sludge, the Medium". 'To admire' less 'to ad' leaves mire defining sludge
4A Crackling - Trojan princess nearly eats mine (8)
Solution: CREPITUS
Indicator: En
Explanation: Creusa, wife of Aeneas and a 'Trojan princess', less 'a' (nearly). So CREUS 'eats' PIT or 'mine' to give CREPITUS
10A Street swindler stranded (in two words)? (7)
Solution: MAGSMAN
Indicator: As
Explanation: 'stranded in two words' gives Strand Ed, Editor of the Strand magazine or Mag's man
11A Do one in with the last of the poison (7)
Solution: CONIINE
Indicator: Du
Explanation: 'Do' means to swindle or CON plus I ('one') IN with E ('last of the') giving CONIINE, a 'poison'
12A Patting yon embarrassingly obsequious follower (7,3)
Indicator: An
Explanation: Anagram of 'Patting yon' indicated ('embarrassingly') to reveal St Antony's 'obsequious follower'
13A Make-up of the merry monarch, say (4)
Solution: KOHL
Indicator: Pu
Explanation: KOHL is an eyelid 'Make-up' in eastern countries. It also sounds like a 'merry monarch' (Old King Cole, merry old soul)
15A Jane is heard to offer a wider view (7)
Solution: SEYMOUR
Indicator: Pu
Explanation: Jane SEYMOUR, Henry VIII's third wife, sounds like "see more"
17A Confession of one getting on with the portrayal (7)
Solution: IMAGING
Indicator: Du
Explanation: I'M AGING is the 'Confession of one getting on'. IMAGING is a 'portrayal'
19A Status of W W'S Man vis-a-vis Child? (7)
Solution: SONSHIP
Indicator: Lo
Explanation: Wordsworth wrote "The Child is father of the Man" so his Man is son of the Child
21A Condemnation of the erring lad, Eric (7)
Solution: DECRIAL
Indicator: An
Explanation: 'erring' points to an anagram of LAD ERIC
23A Head details Waiter (4)
Solution: PATE
Indicator: Sg
Explanation: 'details' means removes the tail or last letter of (Walter) Pater
24A Poor Crompton entertained by Spanish uncle - fabulous host! (10)
Indicator: An
Explanation: 'Poor Crompton' indicates an anagram of RICHMAL (Crompton, authoress of the William books) taken in by TIO (Spanish for Uncle)
27A Many a steed 'as pussy's so-called master (7)
Solution: CARABAS
Indicator: Ch
Explanation: C ('Many'=100=C) ARAB (steed) plus AS gives CARABAS. Puss In Boots' owner, represented as the Marquis of CARABAS
28A From Rome there enters a man, back in Africa (7)
Solution: NAMIBIA
Indicator: Re
Explanation: IBI (Latin for 'there') in A MAN reversed gives NAMIBIA
29A Last of the girls named as story-teller (8)
Solution: TUSITALA
Indicator: Li
Explanation: 'Last of the girls' gives RLS the initials of Robert Louis Stevenson, alias TUSITALA the 'story-teller' of the South Seas
30A Time and relative dimension in space vehicle. Who told you? (6)
Solution: TARDIS
Indicator: Ac
Explanation: An acronym of the first six words of the clue gives TARDIS, the 'space vehicle' in the Dr 'Who' television series

1D Language scholars put up paper - its second version (9)
Indicator: Re
Explanation: TIMES ('paper') reversed ('put up') plus anagram of 'its s' ('version'). SEMITISTS are 'scholars' of Semitic languages
2D Oh, this pressure makes us cry 'Enough!' (7)
Solution: URGENCY
Indicator: An
Explanation: OH plus URGENCY is an anagram of CRY ENOUGH. Take out OH and find an anagram of the remaining letters (meaning 'pressure')
3D Place of PT? No, girl, mystic meditation (10)
Indicator: Du
Explanation: GYM ('Place of PT') NO SOPHY ('No girl') giving GYMNOSOPHY ('mystic mediation')
5D Changed a hundred to six hundred (9)
Indicator: Rn
Explanation: Convert to Roman numerals to read "Changed AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current)"
6D It's no good, Pop! (4)
Solution: PUNK
Indicator: Do
Explanation: Two meanings here. PUNK as in 'no good' and PUNK as in Punk Rock ('Pop')
7D Stan suggesting an excursion in port? (7)
Solution: TRIPOLI
Indicator: Pl
Explanation: (Stan) Laurel and (Oliver) Hardy - sounds like "Trip, Ollie?" gives TRIPOLI ('port')
8D Law-man ties hook to line (5)
Solution: SNELL
Indicator: Do
Explanation: See the Concise Oxford Dictionary for Snell's Law and Chambers 20th Century dictionary for the hook-line connextion
9D 'X' with him making two unknown quantities (4)
Solution: ANDY
Indicator: Lo
Explanation: 'X' needs AND 'Y' to make 'two unknown quantities'
14D Carol's vexed having Mrs Knightley muscle in here (10)
Indicator: An
Explanation: 'vexed' points to anagram of CAROL'S plus EMMA (Jane Austen's heroine). Chambers defines SARCOLEMMA as "the sheath of muscle fibre"
16D Fresh study about a young lady of Lima? (9)
Indicator: Du
Explanation: RE ('about') PERU (capital 'Lima') SAL ('young lady')
18D Small horses? Yes, hidden in a tree (9)
Indicator: En
Explanation: AY ('Yes') in GALLOWS (as in Tyburn Tree)
20D Bottom taking in the old town's dispositions (7)
Solution: NATURES
Indicator: En
Explanation: NATES ('Bottom') outside UR ('old town')
22D Son of glory? No (7)
Solution: ICHABOD
Indicator: Bi
Explanation: For this name meaning "the glory is departed" see I Samuel 4:21
23D This edging is largely carnation (5)
Solution: PICOT
Indicator: Sg
Explanation: Picot-edging, a large part of PICOTEE (a type of 'carnation')
25D Tail-less fruit bat of the jungle (4)
Solution: MANG
Indicator: Li
Explanation: The name of the bat (Kipling's Jungle Book). The 'fruit' which has lost its 'tail' is the mango
26D No part of a memorial service (4)
Solution: OBIT
Indicator: Du
Explanation: O ('No') BIT ('Part') gives OBIT ('memorial service')


For Acorn BBC Master 128 5.25" disc (ADFS), Master Compact and Electron 3.5" disc and Archimedes 3.5" disc, insert the disc. To start the program, depress the SHIFT key and, whilst holding the SHIFT key down, press and release BREAK. Finally release the SHIFT key.

For BBC Master, Model B and Electron cassette, the main program is recorded on both sides of the tape. Type CHAIN"" (RETURN) to load. Each side of the cassette contains 28 crosswords. Side A puzzles 1932-1959 and Side B puzzles 1960-1987.

A title page will be loaded followed by the main program. It is suggested that the crosswords are attempted sequentially and after a particular crossword has been loaded that you note the position shown by your footage counter. The next time you attempt a crossword after loading the program, you can fast-forward to the recorded position, thereby decreasing the search-time required.

How to use the Program

The program has been carefully designed on four levels so as to meet the needs of all crossword solvers. Level 1, the highest level, should provide hours of hitherto unequalled competitive stimulus, whether you are of championship status, or like me, an average solver who spends the best part of a train journey at it, with occasional success.

Level 2 allows you the choice of either marking the clue or attempting the solution; whereupon correct letters appear in upper case on the grid together with incorrect letters in lower case.

For those new to cryptic crosswords, Level 3 offers a clue to the workings of the compiler's mind in the form of a convention indicator, the key to which is revealed in the glossary of terms (page 12). *An - for instance - denotes an anagram in the clue, thereby saving time and helping the solver.

Level 4 is for beginners. The first letter of the solution is printed on the grid automatically. This makes the task of solving the puzzle very much easier.

These are by no means the only stimuli available. The special marking system allows clues to be addressed any number of times. Clues may be cancelled at any stage except at Solution Entry. Previously solved clues may be re-addressed for cross reference purposes. Further, should the clue prove too baffling, the computer can solve it for you. Effectively, then, the game becomes a contest between you and the computer as to who can resolve the greatest number of clues at the highest possible level in the shortest possible time, points being awarded according to level.

I wish you hours of enjoyment!

David Akenhead

Crossword Instructions

Upon completion of the loading instructions as directed you are offered the option to include sound. Press the S key for Sound or the N key for No Sound. The screen clears and the words "Assembling crossword" appear. The name of the crossword you have chosen is 'typed' out by the computer and the crossword follows. Finally the score line, set to 0, is printed upper right.

The assembly instruction disappears, the invisible clock starts, and hereon it's up to you.

The instruction "Insert clue number" appears. Enter the clue number of your choice and pres RETURN. If there are two possible clues the plaer is prompted to specify whether "Across A or Down D", the choice being made at the press of the desired key. If the clue exists it is displayed, otherwise the text screen clears and reverts back to the earlier instruction. A number of choices are now open to you. If you don't like the look of the clue, you can return to the address position by pressing 'C', or you may proceed. The words "Help? Y/N" appear on the text screen lower right. The program will only respond to 'Y' or 'N' being pressed. If 'N' is pressed the player is asked to enter the necessary letters. If the number of letters in incorrect the instruction is repeated. Provided the solution is correct in its entirety, pressing RETURN will enter it in the grid and 50 points are accumulatedd to the player's score; conversely, the grid stays blank at no penalty, (apart from the time lost) to the player. At this level, no computer assistance is available.

If 'Y' is pressed, the program proceeds to Level 2, a marker option in the form "Marker? Y/N". The idea here is to offer the maximum degree of flexibility to the solver. Should you not like the clue, and prefer to try another instead, you may mark your clue by pressing 'Y'. An instruction follows to enter the requisite number of letters or employ chevrons - SHIFT > - to mark those parts of the solution which are unknown. Pressing the RETURN key subsequently enters the information on the grid. Should the clue be solved at this level, 40 points are awarded.

If the player pressees 'N' the computer assumes that further assistance with the existing clue is required. The program continues to Level 3, printing a convention indicator after the clue. The words "Clue 2? Y/N" appear. If 'N' is pressed the player is offered the chance of computer assistance in the form "Solution desired? Y/N". If 'N' is pressed the player may either attempt the solution or mark it as previously. No penalty is incurred, and the clue may be re-addressed as and when required. Should the player prefer to attempt the solution, correct letters will be printed in upper case and incorrect ones in lower case. Again, there is no penalty. When correct, 30 points accrue to the player's score at this level. Conversely, if 'Y' is pressed the computer solves the clue and 30 points are deducted from the player's score. The same penalty applies to the next level of play.

If further help is required Level 4 allows the first letter of the solution to be printed in the grid. A solution at this level is worth 10 points. The procedure is as for Level 3.

A clue may be cancelled at any stage except the Solution Entry stage and, for cross-reference purposes, previously solved clues may be re-addressed at any time. Should a non-existent clue number be entered the computer will alert you to your error and reset to the address position.

If you wish to stop the program you can leave it by pressing the RETURN key on its own in the address position. The words "Quit Y/M" appear on the text screen lower right. This is a failsafe device used to offset accidental pressing of the RETURN key which would otherwise terminate the puzzle. Should the puzzle be completed, a sound signal is emitted. The text screen clears to reveal an analysis of the player's performance in terms of the time taken, the number of clues solved by both player and computer, the score and an assessment of the same in the categories - 'Beginner', 'Average', 'Good', 'Very Good' and 'Expert'. The player is offered the option of viewing the entire solution, before proceeding to the final page which offers a choice between selecting a new puzzle or leaving the program. Should you decide on the latter option, and your system employs ADFS, do remember that in order to retrieve your disc facility you must switch off your computer and then switch it back on.

A puzzle can only be completed by calling up every clue and answering it satisfactorily. The program has been written in such a way that, once a clue has been attempted at a certain level, it is not possible to re-address that clue at a higher level.


The following is a list of the most common abbreviations and pointers employed in puzzles, in alphabetical order. In addition, the common abbreviations of the months and days of the week, as well as the London Postal Districts, political parties, American states, and music notes which I have not included.

A  Article/Associate
AB  Able seaman - Sailor
AC  Account - Bill/Aircraftman/Alternating Current
ACE  One - Pilot - Expert - 1
AD  Advert - Notice - Publicity/Anno Domini
ADO  Fuss/A Party
AG  Silver
AI  First class
ALA  In the style/manner of
AM  Morning
AMP  Current
ANT  Worker
APE  Monkey - Initate
AU  Gold/to the French
AVE  Welcome/Avenue
AY  Yes/Ever

B  Blank (pencil marking)/Born/Bye/Bowled/Second grade
BA  Bachelor of Arts - Graduate - Degree/British Airways
BC  Before Christ
BE  Live
BR  British Rail/British
BRA  Supporter - Female supporter

C  100 (Rn)/Centigrade/Cold/Cent/Caught/Third (Grade & Row)/Circa - About/Many/Chapter
CA  Chartered Accuntant
CAN  Tin - Preserve
CAT  Tom
CC  Cricket Club/County Council
CE  Church (of England)
CH  Church/Companion of Honour
CI  Channel Islands
CID  Detectives
CINC  Commander in Chief
CM  Centimetre
CO  Commanding Office/Company - Firm/Care of/County
COL  Army Officer
COLE  Old King
CON  Study
CR  Credit
CU  Copper

D  500 (Rn)/Penny/Daughter/Died/Date/Many
DA  District Attorney
DC  Direct current
DD  Doctor of Divinity - Doctor - Theologian - Divine
DE  Of French
DEN  Study
DER  The German
DO  Party/Act
DR  Doctor/Debit
DU  Of the French

E  East/Point/Way/Energy/Egghead/English
EAR  Listener
ED  Editor - Newsman/Edward
EER  Always - Ever
EG  For example
EL  The Spanish
END  Close - Purpose - Aim
EP  Extended play record
ER  Elizabeth Regina - Queen/Hesitation
ERE  Before
ES  French art (as in 'tu es')
ET  Extra Terrestrial/And French
ETA  Estimated time of arrival
EX  Form - Out of - Former (Husband/Wife)

F  Fahrenheit/Loud (F & FF)/Fellow/Fine
FA  Football Association
FAG  Drudge
FBI  G-Men - Federal Agents
FC  Football Club
FO  Foreign Office/Flying Officer
FR  French - Franc/Father
FT  Foot - Feet

G  Gram - Gramme/Gravity Gateshead/Grand/German leader
GB  Great Britain - British
GEN  Information/General
GG  Horse
GI  Soldier
Go  Energy
GMEN  FBI agents
GP  General Practitioner - Doctor
GR  King - King George
GRAND  A lot of dollars ($1000)
GRANT  General (also LEE)

H  Hot/Hydrogen/Hard (pencil marking)/Hospital
HA  Laugh
HACK  Lierary drudge
HAL  Harry
HAT  Bowler
HB  Hard black (pencil marking)
HE  His/Her Excellency - Ambassador/Male HEAD  Poll/Boss
HEN  Bird - Layer
HIC  This Roman
HM  His/Her Majesty
HO  House/Home Office
HP  Hire purchase/Horse power
HQ  Headquarters
HR  Hour
HY  Henry

I  One - First - First person
IC  In charge
ICE  Diamonds
IE  Id est (that is)
IM  I am
IN  Inch(es)/Fashionable/At home
INC  Incorporated
INST  Current month
IOM  Isle of Man
IOU  Promise to pay
IQ  Intelligence quotient
IRA  Terrorists
IS  Lives/Island
IT  Sex-Appeal

JACK  Sailor - Seaman
JP  Justice of the Peace - Law
JR  Junior

K  1000 - Kilo/King - Monarch
KO  Knock-out

L  Left/Fifty (Rn)/Pound/Latin/Learner - Novice - Beginner - Student
LA  Los Angeles/There in France
LATE  Deceased
LB  Pound
LC  Lower case
LE  The French (also LA)
LEG  Supporter
LINE  Railway
LING  Heather
LIST  Lean/Catalogue
LO  Behold - See
LOW  Depressed/Moo
LP  Long playing record
LSO  Longon Symphony Orchestra
LT  Lieutenant - Officer
LTA  Lawn Tennis Association

M  Monsieur (Fr)/1000 (Rn)/Male/Metre/Mile/Million/Many/Motorway/Married
MA  Mother/Master of Arts Graduate
MAC  Scot
MAL  French complaint
MASS  Service/Crowd
MB  Doctor (Bach. of Medicine)
MCC  Cricket Club (Marylebone)
MD  Doctor (Doct. of Medicine)
MI  Motorway
MIT  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MISS  Girl
MN  Merchant Navy
MO  Doctor
MP  Politician - Member/Military Police - Redcap(s)
MPH  Miles per hour
MS  Manuscript - Writing

N  North - Point - Way - Pole/Name
NATIVE  Oyster
NB  Nota bene/No ball
NCO  Non-commissioned officer
NE  North East
NI  Northern Island
NO  Number
NT  New Testament/Nat. Trust
NUM  Miner's Union
NUR  Rail Union
NUS  Students' Union/Seamean's Union
NW  North West
NZ  New Zealand

O  Nothing/Circle/Ring/Round/Love
OB  Old Boy
OBE  Decoration - Honour
OK  All right
ON  Performing
OP  Operation/Work
OR  Alternative/Gold
OS  Outsize - Large
OT  Old Testament
OUT  Abroad
OWN  Confress - Admit
OZ  Ounce

P  Quiet/Parking/Page/Piano
PA  Father
PAR  Equal - Normal/Paragraph
PAN  Young Peter/Vessel PAT  Irishman/boy
PC  Police Constable - Bobby/Copper - Cop/Postcard
PEN  Writer/Swan
PER  Through/Each
PHD  Doctor/Degree
PI  Page one/Pious/Letter from Greece
PM  Prime Minister/Afternoon
PO  Post Office/Postal order/Petty Officer/Pilot Officer
POLL  Head
POP  Uncle (Pawnbroker)
PORT  Left
POT  Trophy
POW  Prisoner of War
PR  Pair/Public Relations
PRO  In favour of/Professional
PS  Post Script - Afterthought
PT  Physical Training - Exercise/Part

Q  Question/Queen

R  Right/King/River/Rex/Redhead/Run
RA  Royal Academy - Artist - Painter/Royal Artillery - Gunner
RAM  Royal Academy of Music/Butter (animal that butts)
RAT  Deserter
RC  Roman Catholic/Red Cross
RD  Road - Way - Highway
RE  Royal Engineers - Sappers - Soldiers/About/Again/Concerning
REP  Salesman
REV  Reverend/Revolution
ROT  Rubbish
RM  Royal Marines - Marines/Royal Mail
RMA  Royal Military Academy
RN  Royal Navy - Navy
ROD  Pole
RT  Right
RU  Rugby Union
RUM  Peculiar - Odd
RY  Railway

S  South - Point/Way - Pole/Son/Old Bob-Shilling
SA  South Africa/Salvation Army
SAW  Cutter/Proverb
SC  Little Science
SE  South East
SET  Group
SH  Quiet - Silence
SIC  Thus - So
SM  Sergeant-major
SO  Thus
SP  Starting Price - Odds
SQ  Square
SR  Senior
SRN  State Registered Nurse
SS  Steam Ship - Vessel
ST  Street - Way/Saint - Good man
SUB  U-Boat
SW  South West

T  West End/Sort of square/shirt/Times leader
TA  Territorial Army - Terriers/Thanks
TAR  Sailor
TATE  Gallery
TENT  Wine
TIN  Can
TNT  High explosive
TOM  Cat
TOP  Head
TON  Heavyweight
TOR  Hill - Eminence
TT  Teetotaller - Non-drinker - Dry/Motor cycle race
TU  Trade Union
TUC  Trades Union Congress
TV  Television

U  You say (as in 'sound of you') - U turn/Upper (class, bracket)/Superior/Universal
UAR  United Arab Republic
UC  Upper case
UK  United Kingdom
ULT  Last month
UN  United Nations - International - A French
UR  Ancient city
US  United States of America

V  Versus - Against/Victory/Five (Rn)/Verse
VI  Flying bomb (Doodlebug)/Six (Rn(/5-1
VIP  Bigwig
VR  Victoria Regina

W  West - Point - Way/Wicket
WI  Womens Institute/Mayfair
WK  Week
WO  War Office
WM  William
WT  Weight

X  Cross/Kiss/Ten (Rn)

YR  Year

Convention Indicators

The following list of convention indicators and category pointers employed in the puzzles in alphabetical order: Note - There may be more than one indicator in a clue, in which case I have selected the one I consider most helpful. It should also be remembered that in cryptic clues one convention may well embrace others. To this end, I have included in square brackets the conventions with particular association.

Ab  Abbreviation(s) [Re, Du, Po, En]
Ac  Acronym - initials forming word(s)
Af  African term or reference
Ai  Artist, Sculptor, Architect and associated movements
Am  American term or reference
An  Anagram in clue [Ab, Po, Re, En]
Ar  Archaic [Po. Ab, Do]
As  Association of words or ideas [Po. Ab, Do]
At  Autonym
Au  Australian term or reference
Ba  Ballet [Th, Ch, Li]
Bi  Biblical reference [Do]
Cd  Cryptic definition (Alternative interpretation to the obvious)
Ch  Character [definition] [Li, Sh]
Ci  Cinema
Cl  Clue within clue [Ab, Po, Re, As]
Cn  Conundrum or riddle [Du, Do, Po, Lo]
Co  Contracted form - e.g. LANCS [Ab]
Cr  Composer [Mu]
Cs  Concealed solution in clue [Re, Po]
Cy  Chemistry [Er]
De  Definition [As, Do]
Dm  Disguised meaning [Po, Ab]
Do  Double meaning (or homonym)
Dr  Dramatist/Drama [Li, Th]
Du  Word division (Two or more words or letters forming single word) [Ab, Po]
Eg  Reference to Egypt
En  Envelope (word containing another) [Ab, An, Re, Po]
Er  Engineering/Science [Ma, Ps] Ev  Event [Hi]
Fa  Familiar term or saying [Sl, Vu]
Fe  Festival - religious or other
Fl  Flora
Fr  French, Franglais or France [Po, Ab]
Ft  Fairy tale or legend [My, Li, Nr]
Ge  Reference to German or Germany
Gk  Reference to Greek or Greece [My, Lo]
Gr  Grammatical term or reference
Gy  Geographical term or feature
Hi  Historical reference
Id  Idiom [Fa, Sl]
Ir  Reference to Ireland or Irish
It  Reference to Italian or Italy [Po, Ab]
Kn  General Knowledge
La  Latin [Rn, Ro, Po, Ab, Le, My]
Le  Legal terminology [La]
Li  Literary reference [Ch, Sh]
Lo  Logic [Gk]
Ma  Mathematics [Ps, Er, Lo]
Me  Medicine
Mu  Musical reference [Op, Ba]
My  Greek and Roman mythology including the deities
Na  Nautical term or reference
Ne  News media/journalism
Nr  Nursery Rhyme or association [So, Sa, Li, Ft]
Op  Opera [Th, Ch, Li]
Or  Oriental reference or term
Pa  Palindrome (Reads both ways - e.g. NOON) [Po, Ab]
Pe  Reference to a person [Li]
Ph  Partially hidden solution
Pl  Place name
Pm  Parliamentary term or ref.
Po  Pointer(s) [Ab, Re, En, Du]
Pr  Proverb [Sa]
Ps  Philosophy/Philosopher [Ma, My, Lo]
Pt  Poet [Li, Wr, Dr]
Pu  Pun [Do, Du, Po, Sd]
Qu  Quotation [Li, Sh]
Ra  Radio
Re  Contains reversal [Ab, Po, An, En, Du]
Ri  River
Ro  Ancient Rome [La, Rn]
Rn  Roman numeral(s) [La, Ro, Po, Ab]
Ru  Reference to Soviet Union
Sa  Saying or proverb [Nr, So]
Sc  Scotland or Scottish
Sd  Sound (depending on) [Pu]
Sg  Surgery (removal or replacement of parts of one word to form another)
Sh  Shakespearian reference [Li, Ch, Th]
Si  Sign [Po, Ab]
Sk  Scandinavian
Sl  Slang [Po, Ab]
So  Song [Nr]
Sp  Reference to Spanish or Spain [Po, Re, Ab]
St  Sporting reference
Sy  Synonym
Te  Popular term [Fa, As]
Th  Theatre [Ch, Li, Ba, Op]
Tv  Television
Vu  Vulgar [Sl, Fa]
We  Reference to Wales or Welsh
Wi  Witticism
Wr  Writer/author [Li, Pt, Dr]

Copyright (C) Times Newspapers Ltd 1988


Cover Art Language(s): English
Compatibility: BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron
Release: Professionally released On 3.5" Disc
Original Release Date: 1st Oct 1987
Links: Everygamegoing,

Cover Art


The Times Crosswords Jubilee Puzzles (5.25" Disc)
The Times Crosswords Jubilee Puzzles (3.5" Disc)