Cover Disks And Tapes

By D. Finny

Originally published in EUG #01

I found your sample magazine a pleasant enough read and even typed in the music programs. I was pleased and surprised to find that they both were error-free; this is not usually the case with magazine listings in my experience. As yet I have not tried to tackle the character designer as it's a little on the long side. If you intend to print listings of a similar length in the future, I think it would be a good idea to offer the lazy reader (like myself!) the option of receiving the programs on tape as is the case with The Micro User magazine and was with the Dearly Departed Electron User magazine for the Acorn Electron, which ran to 82 issues!">Electron User. This would enable a great many of us to spend more time using the programs and less time nursing our sore fingers!

A few ideas you might like to consider are a free 'cover' tape (or disk for those who smoke them!), a regular 'buy if you want it' tape every month or an occasional compilation of software which has appeared over a period of time. By the way, are you aware that the 'Einstein' user group also have the initials E.U.G.?

D. M. Finny, Southport

Nice to hear from you Mister (Or so I assume!) Finny. Whose copy of EUG #0 did you read - I've got no record of having sent you one - but still the more the merrier, eh?!

"All programs printed in this issue are exact reproductions of listings taken from running programs which have been thoroughly tested...", now where have we heard that before?! Actually, the above well-worn disclaimer does apply to EUG listings so we are pleased you've had no trouble so far.

The software on tape/disk issue has been raised by a few people. It might be an idea worth investigating. What do other readers think? You're almost right about the Einstein User Group having the same initials. In fact, theirs are UKEUG!

Will Watts, EUG #1